Nestled in the picturesque Appi Kogen of Iwate prefecture, Harrow International School Appi, Japan provides full boarding for students aged 11-18. Located amidst an exceptional natural environment, we continue the legacy of Harrow School in the UK by upholding its educational ethos.
Join us for this on-ground information session where our Head Master, Mr Stephen Tong, will provide valuable insights into the unique offerings of Harrow International School Appi Japan – a full-boarding international school nestled in the stunning natural landscapes of North Japan, where education extends well beyond the classroom.
Key takeaways from this session:
- Understand how our state-of-the-art facilities, combined with the serene natural surroundings, create an optimal environment for accelerated learning, enabling students to excel academically and personally.
- Learn how our full-boarding system and dedicated pastoral care nurture the holistic development of students.
- Explore our comprehensive Enrichment Programme, designed to identify and nurture each student’s unique talents and interests, providing them with a platform to shine and succeed.
Following the presentation, we will host a Q&A session, offering you the opportunity to ask questions and delve deeper into our vibrant community. This informative session will be conducted in English, with translation available in Chinese.
about the speaker:
Mr Stephen Tong, Head Master
Stephen Tong joined Harrow Appi in August 2023 as Acting Head Master. Stephen has been part of the Harrow family for many years with his most recent position as Acting Head Master of Harrow Shenzhen Qianhai. With an impressive thirty-two years of teaching experience in six different schools in the United Kingdom, Stephen brings a wealth of knowledge and expertise to our community. Throughout his career, he has held diverse curricular and pastoral roles, accumulating over twenty years as a senior leader.