Harrow Diploma Celebration

Celebrating Success at Harrow Appi Japan 

Every day, we’re proud to highlight the achievements of our students at Harrow Appi Japan. As we approach the end of the school year, we’re especially thrilled to recognise the outstanding accomplishments of our students through the Harrow Diploma Programme.

The Harrow Diploma isn’t just about academic success—it’s a comprehensive framework designed to foster personal growth and development both inside and outside the classroom. Emphasising values, skills, and leadership, it prepares our students for future challenges and to make a positive impact in the world.

Encouraging a holistic education, the Harrow Diploma focuses on six key components: Well-being, Values, Competencies, Leadership, Service, and Passions/Talents.

We recently celebrated the achievements of our students with the awarding of Pass, Merit, and Distinction honours. Students who received Distinction were honoured with a special dinner and received a distinctive tie and pin, symbolising their outstanding dedication and achievement. 

Congratulations to all our students on their remarkable journey and achievements!