Harrow International School Appi Japan
Setting New Educational Heights From August 2022
Harrow Appi exclusive event at Tokyo American Club House
AISL Harrow International is proudly preparing to open Harrow Appi in August 2022; a super-premium international school operating to Harrow standards, in the extraordinary setting of Appi Kogen, providing outstanding academic outcomes with bespoke pastoral support and full boarding.
Please join us at the exclusive event for Tokyo American Club members to learn more about Harrow Appi from the school’s founding Head Master, Mick Farley.
Event date: November 27th Sat, 2021
Event time: 2:00 PM ~ or 5:00 PM ~
Event fee: Adult 2,000 JPY / Student 1,000 JPY
Event venue: Tokyo American Club House
日程: 2021年11月27日(土)
時間: 2:00 PM ~ または 5:00 PM ~
参加費: 大人 2,000円 / 学生 1,000円
会場: 東京アメリカンクラブ (東京都港区麻布台2-1-2)
About Harrow appi
Set amongst the mountains of Iwate Prefecture, Harrow International’s first school in Japan is unique in Asia – a place where world-class education combines with stunning Japanese nature.
Harrow Appi caters for students aged 11 to 18 (Year 7 to 13) and, as a full boarding school, closely mirrors the experience of studying at Harrow School in the UK. Surrounded by the great outdoors, high achieving students excel both academically and physically.
Utilising Harrow’s British international curriculum, teaching is highly effective, ensuring academic outcomes are outstanding and students have the opportunity to access the world’s best universities. An extensive co-curricular programme ensures students are engaged in sport, creative arts, and serving their community; sports academies offer particular specialisms in skiing, swimming, tennis, golf, and cycling.
The stunning location provides a unique opportunity for the development of future leaders.
英国首相をつとめたチャーチルやインド初代首相ネルーらが学んだ450年の歴史を持つ英国のパブリックスクール、ハロウスクール。そのインターナショナルスクール「Harrow International School Appi Japan(ハロウ安比校)」が2022年8月、スキーリゾートとして名高い岩手県八幡平市の安比高原にできます。Year7〜13(日本の小学6年〜高校3年に相当)にあたる男女を全世界から受け入れ、将来的な定員は920人。日本で最大規模の全寮制インターナショナルスクールとなる予定です。